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Community Wealth Building Wednesdays — Building the Demand Side by Purchasing Goods and Services

June 2, 2021 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am PDT

Liberating cash that’s already being spent, with a tweak here and there, has the potential to spark a Social Marketplace Revolution. When our anchor institutions build Social Procurement into how they do purchasing, what was once a quiet accountant’s job becomes the vanguard of great change. It could usher in a new epoch. Yeah, that big.

Okay, it might take a bit more than a tweak here and there. But it can be done. It is being done.

This webinar will kick off by hearing from the people who are on that front line. We’ll hear where they are at, where they’ve been, and what they’ve learned. We’ll hear how they shifted their culture and practices in the direction of Social Procurement and what the rewards have been. We’ll hear how they partnered with suppliers and what is on the horizon.

We’ll make space for you to suss out your own need-to-knows about this unfolding field. Whether you are just looking into Social Procurement, well along in your journey, or looking to break new ground, there will be new insights and allies to be found during this webinar.

Community wealth and community capital is being created throughout Ontario via Social Procurement. Buy Social Canada has partnered with the Ontario Nonprofit Network, Canadian CED Network, Ontario Trillium Foundation and AnchorTO to invite you to a webinar series designed to strengthen and connect the social procurement and social enterprise ecosystems across Ontario.

This webinar is second in the 5-part series and will explore building the demand side of social procurement through the purchasing of goods and services.

Register Here!


June 2, 2021
10:00 am - 11:30 am PDT