Social Enterprise Certification

Join the growing network of Certified Social Enterprises, businesses that sell goods or services, embed a social, cultural or environmental purpose into the business, and reinvest the majority of profits into their purpose.

Why become Certified?
  • Grow your business
  • Verify your impact
  • Be listed on the Buy Social Canada Social Enterprise Directory
  • Get coaching and support
  • Build your network
  • Be part of the social value marketplace revolution
Build your capacity

You will have access to:

  • Two hours of consulting
  • Buy Social Canada events as a vendor or exhibitor
  • Discounted rates on Buy Social Canada trainings and events
  • Regional roundtables and other networking forums
Connect with social enterprises across Canada.

Be part of the movement to buy and sell with impact.

Certified Social Enterprises are businesses that sell goods or services, embed a social, cultural, or environmental purpose into the business, and reinvest the majority of profits into their purpose. Social enterprises compete with traditional for-profit businesses, but use profits to invest in vibrant, healthy communities.

Purchasers are increasingly putting a social value into their purchasing criteria, and they are asking for verification. Verify your social impact with Buy Social Canada Social Enterprise Certification to show stakeholders, clients, and your team that you put your money where your mouth is and contribute to community wellbeing.

Benefits of Certification

Guidelines for certification

A Social Enterprise is a business
  • That generates a significant portion of its revenue through the sale of goods or services.

Verified with:

  • Financial documents
It embeds a social, cultural or environmental purpose into the business
  • A clear social, cultural or environmental purpose that is evident in your operations and marketing.

Verified with:

  • Business’ mission defined in incorporation documents
The majority of profits are reinvested into the social, cultural or environmental mission
  • With no, or limited, distribution to shareholders and owners. Majority is 51% or more.

Verified with:

  • Incorporation documents
Certification takes into account the age and impact model of your social enterprise.

Social enterprises are diverse, and our certification process considers
your mission, impact and processes rather than just your corporate status.

We work closely with you to understand your model and how our standards apply.

Learn more
Certified Social Enterprise: The Raw Carrot

“Buy Social Canada is a nationally recognized organization known for its tremendous advocacy and support of all types of social enterprises. It is important for Eva’s Print Shop to be recognized as part of the community that Buy Social Canada is helping to bring together and strengthen.”

Jonathan Gault
Eva’s Print Shop

Certification Fee

Certification is free for everyone for the first year!

Billing occurs each January, so you may get more than one year free.

After fees are based on your annual business revenue:

Under $500,000, $100 per year
Under $1 million, $200 per year
Above $1 million, $300 per year
Above $15 million, $2,500 per year

Apply now
Certified Social Enterprise: EMBERS

Other ways to integrate social value

Interested in social procurement, but don’t fit the criteria of a social enterprise?
Social Purchasing Partnerships could be the option for you to make a difference and connect with social procurement.

View Social Purchasing Partnerships


Find a social enterprise near you to connect with

Certified Social Enterprise Directory