
Recommendations for City of Vancouver Budget 2021

Dec 18th, 2020

Enhance and Amplify Implementation of COV Existing Social Procurement Policy.

Outcomes: Enhance Community Value Created from Existing Budget Spending Maximize the Re-investment of Vancouver Taxes back into Vancouver’s Local Economy Increase Market Opportunities for Social Enterprises and Diverse Owned Businesses.

Financial Impact: None

The City of Vancouver has faced an unprecedented year with admirable and effective efforts to contain and limit the potential negative impacts of COVID-19 across Vancouver. As we look forward into 2021 and consider the 2021 Vancouver Budget, Buy Social Canada is advocating for the enhanced implementation of existing and established policy and programs that have no increase in budget implications.

Beyond COVID-19 recovery, within the existing Healthy City Strategy, DTES Plan, and emerging Poverty Reduction Strategy there are several goals and objectives that can be achieved if the City of Vancouver leverages existing policy and programs, in particular the City of Vancouver’s Social Value Procurement policy:

  • Social Value Procurement policy and programs The City of Vancouver has a social value procurement policy with targets to be reached by 2023, these targets are currently not on track to be met, however, with a renewed commitment to implementation, existing spend can be leveraged to achieve social outcomes.

Recommendations: The City accelerates the implementation of the Social Value Procurement policy, and provides clear and transparent reports on….

Continue reading the Buy Social Canada City of Vancouver Budget recommendation for 2021

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