
New Tools for Community Employment Benefit and Community Benefit Agreement Implementation

May 26th, 2020

Just released, the updated Buy Social Canada Social Value Menu now has two new versions: Community Benefit Agreements and Community Employment Benefits. Both are available for free to download now.

Every purchase has an economic, environmental and social impact, whether intended or not. Social procurement is about capturing those impacts and seeking to make intentional positive contributions to both the local economy and the overall vibrancy of the community.

Social procurement is evolving as a standard means to leverage a greater value from existing procurement of goods and services. Concurrently, with the emergence of Community Benefit Agreements (CBAs), and the Community Employment Benefit (CEB) initiative process, there is a need to have a framework and guidelines to support an added social value from major developments and construction projects.

The purpose of these documents is to help you design, evaluate and implement a social value into your procurement process for goods and services or major infrastructure and developments.


Social Value Menu: Community Employment Benefit Templates for Implementation


Social Value Menu: Community Benefit Agreements Templates for Implementation

To find out more about Community Benefit Agreements check out this post about Vancouver’s CBA Policy.

If you have any questions about the Social Value Menu or social procurement implementation please contact

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