
Global News BC highlights social enterprises

Jun 5th, 2023

Global News BC Community Reporter Michael Newman highlighted social enterprises on air in the Making a Difference series, sponsored in part by Buy Social Canada.

The first video in the series explores the purpose of social enterprises, and features Buy Social Canada Managing Partner David LePage alongside Certified Social Enterprises Community Impact Real Estate Society and EMBERS (with some sneak peaks of Megaphone Magazine and others).

The second video spotlights the work of Certified Social Enterprise Jonnon, a Vancouver-based enterprise creating ethical fashion and accessories while employing newcomers to Canada and others with barriers to employment.

Third, they featured Certified Social Enterprise CleanStart Property Services, who provide a range of property services while employing people with barriers to employment.

Next, the series went to Fort Langley where they profiled The Market at Wagner Hills, a destination boutique in Fort Langley selling hand-crafted items created by folks in recovery.

Finally, the series highlighted Powell River-based Certified Social Enterprise OneLight, an enterprise of Inclusion Powell River Society which employs people with disabilities while recycling construction and household waste to create efficient fire starters.

Learn more about the social enterprise business model, or find Certified Social Enterprises in our directory.

Are you a social enterprise? Get Certified.

Here are the video links to share forward:

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